We had a good visit to Hastings Street, Noosa. On the day it was quite a foot-slog, up and down both sides of the street, plus being invited into some stores to discuss the meaning of the sign: DEAD people do… WHAT?
WIN TV Interview: The interview with Alexia Osbourne lasted a lot longer than we had expected. It must follow that not all the material shot would be used in a brief video clip broadcast as part of WIN 9 Television Local Events or Community News etc. Even so, it did entail all the usual ‘walking shots’, ‘talking shots’ and stills.
It pleased me that the TV Crew arrived at such short notice. I only advised them of the firm details on the Thursday midday and they were filming me at about ten-thirty the next morning.
The photo above was not a professional shot…I asked Ross Burgess, the Proprietor of Mary Ryan’s Books, Music and Coffee at Noosa, to take a shot while we were in the bookstore. The angle he took faced toward the front of the shop rather than into the depths of it, so the extensive range of books & etc., available is not apparent. It looked to be a quite busy enterprise. This would be due in part to the mixed offering, as opposed to being purely a Bookstore. It was evident during the street-walk that some businesses are struggling, with vacant shops also on the main street.
The majority of people walking the street and patronising the sidewalk cafes etc., were obviously tourists though. No doubt, business will continue to improve through the Festive Season.
In addition, we had a chat with Charlie Gardener, of https://www.communityconnection.com.au, a Noosa Arts Group, who approached us in the street on the basis of the signboard we were wearing and wanted to know whether DARK-Millennium 3 would lend itself to the movie format. In fact, done properly, it would. We gave him a copy of the book and pointed out, for instance, the part dealing with the “stooping turn” and the graphic imagery displaying the History of Ancient Egypt. This is hardly the time to worry about Movie Rights but the thought must always be catered to and the next volume in the trilogy: FORTH-Millennium 3, will lend itself even more to visual media.
Despite my considerable injuries during 2011, the year has been far from a loss. EXPO action overseas by the Publisher has been very productive, with the foreign rights to DARK-Millennium 3 sold in Taiwan and China, plus being in negotiation elsewhere. It had also been previously translated into Chinese but with the growth in e-Book sales, Strategic Book Group (SBG) have found it simpler to negotiate the Rights with the relevant translation thrown in. The operations of SBG seem to have exceeded even their own first hopes. In 2012 the number of EXPOs to be attended will increase from eleven to fourteen.
With my physical recovery from the several injuries, reconstructive surgery and broken bones, it seems 2011 was a useful year. 2012 may be a very trying time for people all over the world but we can hope they will still wish to read, even if only to distract themselves from the harsh realities of the world that some of them live in.
We hope those who obtained free copies of DARK-Millennium 3, signed by the author in Noosa, will enjoy their read. This includes the young women who got copies while the television camera was rolling. Perhaps they will find themselves on TV! Others I promised would find the story subtle but that they would never forget what they read. For most, the actual context in which DARK is portrayed will be a unique experience in their minds. As it happens, we encountered a High Priest known to us, who also accepted a copy. He should find parts of DARK a bit “old hat” but still other parts will remain confronting. All of the answers are contained within the book, for those willing to think through what their mind discovers in it. Possessing the further light and knowledge of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is key to decoding the story.